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Please read carefully. Any dog sitting booking confirms acceptance of the terms and conditions.

  • The client confirms that their dog is not aggressive and has never bitten or scratched another person or animal

  • The client accepts full liability for any injury to either the dog sitter, a third party, or other animals caused by their dog whilst in the dog sitter’s care

  • The client confirms that their dog is house trained and does not have a history of damaging furniture or carpets, including chewing or scratching

  • The client accepts responsibility for damage caused by their dog to furniture or carpets and will reimburse the dog sitter for any damages

  • The client agrees that their dog has good recall obedience and can be walked in an open space (not roadside) without a lead and releases the dog sitter from any liability in the event that dog becomes lost

  • The client confirms that their dog has not been unwell in the previous fortnight, or if it has that they have made the dog sitter aware of such illness

  • The client confirms that their dog has not had fleas in the last month, or if it has that they have made the dog sitter aware

  • The client confirms that in the event of their dog either falling ill, being found to have fleas, or displaying aggressive behaviour to either the dog sitter or any other person or any other animal, they will immediately collect their dog. In the event that they are not geographically close enough to collect their dog they agree to provide details of an alternative person who can collect their dog. Failing this, they authorise the dog sitter to seek alternative accommodation at their cost

  • EMERGENCIES – Clients must provide contact information where they can be reached in the event medical care for a pet becomes necessary. The dog sitter will immediately contact the client in the event such care becomes necessary. The client agrees to collect their dog immediately upon an illness or injury, where possible.

  • The client hereby authorizes the dog sitter to obtain and authorize the provision of veterinary care for their pet if they cannot be reached to authorize care themselves in an emergency situation. In such case, they also authorize their pet’s veterinarian(s) to release their pet’s veterinary records to the dog sitter. If the dog sitter reaches the client with a request to authorize medical care for their pet and they refuse, the client releases the dog sitter for any injury, damage or liability arising from failure to seek such care. Pet Owners are responsible for the costs of any such medical treatment for pets and, agree to immediately reimburse the dog sitter any and all costs associated with veterinarian care.

  • The client confirms that their dog has adequate pet medical insurance to cover all medical emergencies. The client agrees to refund the dog sitter any costs associated with veterinarian care without waiting for any insurance company claim to be processed.

  • The client will ensure that their pets are vaccinated, licensed, identification-tagged and/or micro chipped as required by local laws or regulations; that they have obtained and will maintain any mandatory insurance policies concerning the pets whose care they entrust to the dog sitter (and that such policies will benefit third parties, including the dog sitter, to the same extent they benefit the client).

  • The client agrees to the pricing that has been provided 

  • Any fees due shall be paid immediately upon provision of the service and no more than 14 days from drop off.

  • If the client fails to retrieve their pet at the end of the service period agreed in a booking, they will be charged for additional service time at the additional hourly rate as set out in the price list.

  • Abandoned Pets; Re-homing. Pet Owners who fail to retrieve their pet after the service period agree that the dog sitter may, in their sole discretion, place the pet in foster care, transfer care to animal control or other law enforcement authorities, or find other alternate care. The Pet Owner agrees to reimburse the dog sitter for all costs and expenses associated with such actions.

Terms: Text
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