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Seperation problems


There are lots of dogs that have recently spent very little time either away from their owner or alone.

This can make it very difficult for owners to get out to do basic things like a bit of shopping or a nice long lunch with friends.

There are basic steps that owners can take to help the dogs settle when alone & help themselves be stress free when they do go out without them. All it takes is a little practice through the day.

Start with the most basic thing, leaving the room and shutting the door. Do it for only a second or two to start with if that's what it takes. The most important thing is patience & to take baby steps.

Slowly build up the time you leave them as they get more confident that you are coming back!

Once they start to get the hang of it you can also add a tasty treat ball to keep them occupied. Kong do some great ones that challenge the dog to get the food from inside. This can keep them occupied for ages and positively reinforces being left alone.

And if they are too attached to you, make sure that they spend time with other people. Leave them with friends, relatives or dog sitters for short periods of time to get used to being away!


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