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About Me

I'm Ashley. Like you, I love dogs.


My family & I have become a little obsessed with them (especially my youngest!). I am at my most relaxed when I'm with a dog, whether it's a walk in Mill Hill park, a game of fetch, or relaxing next to me on the sofa (yes, they're welcome on my sofa!)


My dog sitting began when a friend asked us to look after her dog whilst she was away. In no time, the word went around our kids' school. This led to more and more dog sitting and soon people in the park were asking.


So I set up this website to make it a bit more official. This isn't my full time job, but I work from home so the dogs spend their time with me during the day. They come out with me and keep me company. At night, when the family is back we all spoil the dog rotten!


I can guarantee that any dog left with me & my family will be adored and loved. We only dog sit one dog at a time, so yours will get our undivided attention.


One thing I'm always asked is why I don't have my own dog. The answer is two fold. Firstly, I want to be able to pick & choose when I have one (very greedy!). Secondly, by dog sitting so many dogs we now have a whole extended dog family. It's wonderful to be able to get to know so many different personalities.


There are certain dogs that I don't look after, particularly dogs that are big shedders like Labs, Border Colies  or Corgis. Unfortunately, keeping their moulted coats off of the furniture and car is just too time consuming for me.


Reddings Dog Sitter - Mill Hill, Barnet, Finchley, Hendon, Edgware


Vizsla Dogs
Small Terrier
Many Dogs
Dogs on a Bench
Dogs with Dog Walker
Dog Walker at the Park
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